BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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World Water Week 2007

Stockholm World Water Week, 12.-18.08.2007:

"Progress and Prospects on Water - Striving for Sustainability in a Changing World."

“Under cover! Revisited – Groundwater as an integral part of transboundary River/Lake Basin Management in Africa”

At the 2007 Stockholm World Water Week the initiative convened a follow-up seminar with a special focus on how to integrate groundwater into the scope of work of existing river and lake basin organisations. In addition questions of financing for transboundary groundwater management were discussed.

Programme: Middle East Seminar 2007: Transboundary Groundwater Resources in the Middle East (PDF, 100 KB)

Synthesis of the seminar: The ME Seminar: Transboundary Groundwater Resources in the Middle East (PDF, 16 KB)


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