Ground Motion Service Germany
Figure 1: The figure shows the first nationwide map of surface deformations based on Copernicus Sentinel-1 Persistent Scatterer Interferometry data
Source: BGR
Ground motion can pose a threat to population and infrastructure. Therefore, motion processes in the field of underground mining (e.g., mining, geothermal energy) relevant infrastructure (e.g., levees, bridges) have long been monitored by terrestrial surveying methods (e.g., leveling, GPS). Modern remote sensing techniques, such as satellite-based SAR interferometry (InSAR), enable cost-effective high-precision ground motion measurements (radar remote sensing). In order to support a national operational use of Copernicus data and modern InSAR technology, BGR realizes the Ground Motion Service Germany (BBD).The generated data products may e.g. be used by authorities for improved security, space, urban planning, etc. The core dataset of the ground motion service Germany is based on nationwide Copernicus Sentinel-1 data, which are processed by means of the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry procedure (PSI). BGR commissioned the DLR-IMF Oberpfaffenhofen to develop and process the first BBD-InSAR products. In addition to this regularly updated dataset, optional additional evaluations for selected regions are possible. These are based on high-resolution SAR data of e.g. TerraSAR-X.
The first Sentinel-1 based nationwide ground motion dataset is visualized in Figure 1. The information density of the BBD PSI data is illustrated in Fig. 2. To ensure the combination of remote ground motion data with other independent data sets, the PSI data are calibrated with time series of continuous GNSS stations. In addition, plausibility checks are carried out through site inspections (characterization of the backscatter objects), optical remote sensing data (Copernicus Sentinel-2) and other geodata (geological maps).
For the interactive visualization of the ground motion data the Web-App (in German) can be used.
Figure 2: Sentinel-1 PSI data in the area of Bremerhaven superimposed with the border of Marsh and Geest Soils (blue line, source: BÜK 200). The PSI data shows deformations of built up areas located in the Marsh soils (red and orange points)
Source: BGR
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