BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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High-Performance Mining

High-Performance Mining

2nd International Conference on High-Performance Mining (virtuell)

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The Institute for Advanced Mining Technologies is presenting the 2nd International Conference on High-Performance Mining, which will take place in a digital format.

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The 2nd International Conference on High-Performance Mining wants to inspire change in the global mining industry by presenting benchmark projects that provide insights into realizing the mine of the future through the following core themes:
The Autonomous Mine, the Green Mine, and the People’s Mine, representing the vision for the mine of the future: digitally integrated and connected, autonomous, productive and profitable, safe and socially accepted with minimum environmental impact. The South America Day presents leading projects and innovations from a dynamic mining region.

All sessions feature joint presentations by mine operators and suppliers or research partners by a range of international speakers. Taking an integrated approach to considering people, technology and the environment in transformation and innovation processes they allow for comprehensive insights into success factors as well as challenges.

Since the Conference has traditionally been a platform to meet and form new bonds and partnerships, we take advantage of the latest technological tools to provide facilitated and moderated networking opportunities and engaging side-events to enable the attendees to get into contact with each other.

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Registration and more information:

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Deutsche Rohstoffagentur (DERA) in der Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) | Wilhelmstraße 26 | 13593 Berlin-Spandau
Tel.: +49-(0)30 36993 226
Fax: +49-(0)30 36993 100

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